BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About integrating with a maintenance management system > Integrating with SAP Plant Maintenance > Installing the SAP link program

To be able to show the documents that are attached to assets, each SAP Plant Maintenance client computer needs access to the link program ICSap.exe folder named ICSap.exe along with configuration file Settings.ini.

To install the link program:

  1. Copy the file ICSap.exe and Settings.ini from the <Setup>\MMS folder to a shared network folder that is accessible by every SAP Plant Maintenance user.


  1. Create a configuration file template in any convenient location as described in Configuring the SAP link program.
  2. Copy the configuration file template to the same folder on every SAP Plant Maintenance user’s computer.
  3. Copy the file ICSap.exe from the <Setup>\MMS folder to the same folder on every SAP Plant Maintenance user’s computer.

Proceed as described in Configuring the SAP link program.

Related concepts

Integrating with SAP Plant Maintenance

Related tasks

Understanding the SAP link program

Configuring the SAP link program

Starting the link program

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